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Inviting all UC alumni to join the UC Davis Chorus at their first performance on an international tour across Europe! Please enjoy this special video invitation here.
The UC Davis Chorus will launch their first European performance on Sunday, June 16th at the beautiful Piaristenkirche Maria Treu in Vienna, Austria. This Baroque church was originally completed in 1753 and played host to the inaugural performance of Joseph Haydn's Missa in Tempore Belli in 1796. Joining the Chorus on this whirlwind tour is UC Davis' new Director of Choirs, Dr. Nicolas Dosman. The chorus will be performing alongside the Community Chorus at South Berwick with a program that includes the following:
- Gloria in Excelsis Deo from the 12th Mass i by W.A Mozart
- Domine Ad Adjuvandume Festina by Il Padre G.B. Martini
- Ave Verum by W.A. Mozart
- Inscription of Hope by Z. Randall Stroope
- Crossing the Bar by Gwyneth Walker
- Mass of Celebration and Joy by André Thomas
The Cal Aggie Alumni Association Chorus Alumni Network, the UC Davis Chorus, would like to extend a personal invitation to all UC alumni to meet the Choir and Director Dosman at a private reception following their performance. The reception will include beverages and passed hor d'oevres. Please join us for this unique opportunity to meet with exceptional Aggie talent and visiting faculty.
Dr. Dosman was the Director of Choral Studies and an associate professor of music at the University of Southern Maine. He was also the artistic director of the Community Chorus at South Berwick, the Chorus Master for the Portland Symphony Orchestra’s Magic of Christmas series, and Opera Maine. He began his collegiate teaching career as the Director of Choral and Vocal Activities at Colby College and worked as an adjunct voice professor at Molloy University. Under his leadership, his choirs have appeared in Carnegie Hall, Merrill Auditorium, Vietnam, performed for the Governor of Maine and have been invited as a feature group at the ACDA and NAfME music conferences.
When: Sunday, June 16, 2024
Time: 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Where: Piaristenkirche Maria Treu, Jodok Fink Platz, 10 80 Wien, Austria
Cost: $40